- Investment Promotion Assistance (IPA): Tax delinked investment assistance upto 40% on investment in plant and machinery
- Incentive on Employment generation: (100-2500 employees): 1 - 1.5 times of IPA
- Benefits to Export oriented units: (25%-100%): 1-1.2 times of IPA
- Benefits for investment in priority blocks: 1.2 times of IPA
- Incentives on offering employment to persons with disabilities
- Infrastructure Development Assistance: @50% upto INR 1 crore each for power, water and approach road to the site
- Green Industrialization (Waste Management System): for establishing ETP/STP @50% upto INR 1 crore
- Power Tariff Rebate: @Rs. 1/- per unit as mentioned in MPERC tariff order
- Patent charges: Reimbursement @100% up to Rs. 5 lacs