
S.No.Publishing DateTitleApplication submission Start DateApplication submission Closing DateDetailsResults
27/06/2024Recruitment of various posts on contractual basis in MPIDC-202425/07/202408/08/2024Advertisement : Shortlisted candidates for Interview:
21/08/2024Recruitment for “Person with benchmark disability (DIVYANGJAN) Candidates” for the post of Manager and Assistant Engineer in MPIDC, 2024Recruitment Notice:
Advertisement :
Notice :
Exam Date Notice :
21/08/2024Recruitment for “Person with benchmark disability (DIVYANGJAN) Candidates” for the post of Manager and Assistant Engineer in MPIDC, 2024Recruitment Notice:
Advertisement :
Notice :
Interview Shortlist Candidates:
Selection List -18.03.2025
Joining letter of Manager
Joining letter of Assistant Engineer
08/08/2024Recruitment dated 07.08.2024 for “Person with benchmark disability (DIVYANGJAN) Candidates” for the post of Junior Engineer, Assistant Grade-1 & Assistant Grade-2 in MPIDC, 2024Recruitment Notice:
Advertisement :
Notice regarding walk in interview
Selection List
Appointment Order AG 1
Appointment Order AG 2
Appointment Order AG 2
12/06/2024Recruitment for “Person with benchmark disability (DIVYANGJAN) Candidates” for the post of Junior Engineer, Assistant Grade-1 & Assistant Grade-2 in MPIDC, 202420/06/202430/06/2024Recruitment Notice:

Advertisement : 

Notice dt 8/6/2024:
Selection list and Appointment order: 
04/04/2023Recruitment for the post of Manager06/04/202331/5/2023Recruitment Notice:

Advertisement :

Corrigendums dt 10/05/2023:

Information dt 09/05/2023:

Notice dt 01/06/2023:

Notice dt 14/06/2023:

Information dt 05/07/2023:
1. Selection list for Interview :

2. Final Selection & waiting list:

3. Appointment order :
04/04/2023Recruitment for the post of Junior Engineer06/04/202331/5/2023Recruitment Notice:

Advertisement :

Corrigendums dt 10/05/2023:

Information dt 09/05/2023:

Notice dt 01/06/2023:

Notice dt 14/06/2023:

Information dt 05/07/2023:
1. Final Selection & waiting list:

2. Appointment order:

3. Appoitment order (Amended):
Recruitment for the post of Assistant Engineer 2022-23Recruitment Notice:

Advertisement :

Corrigendum Order :

Appointment Cancellation Order :
1. Selection list for Interview :

2. Appointment Order :

3. Waiting List Order :
CM covid-19 compassionate appointment order1. Appointment order:
Requirement of experienced Civil Engineer on deputationAdvertisement :
Recruitment from PSEs (Central & State) on deputationAdvertisement :
Recruitment of Chief Engineer & Superintendent Engineer on deputationAdvertisement – Press Note :
Contractual Appointment on 14 Specialised Positions1. Selection List of Various Posts :

2. Shortlisted Candidates – Branding & Marketing :

3. Selection List – Branding & Marketing :
Recruitment for the post of Junior Engineer 2019-201. Final Selection & waiting list :

2. Appointment order :

3. Waiting List Appointment Order :
Recruitment for the post of Assistant Engineer1. Selection cum Waiting List :

2. Modified Selection cum Waiting List :

3. Appointment Order :

4. Waiting List Appointment Order :

5. Extension in Last Date of Joining – Waiting List:
Recruitment for the post of Manager1. Selection Cum Waiting List :

2. Shortlisted Candidates & Schedule of Interview :

3. Appointment Order :
Recruitment for the post of Company Secretary1. Selection list :

2. Appointment Order :
Recruitment for the post of Senior Accounts Officer 2019-201. Selection list :

2. Appointment Order :
Recruitment for the post of Assistant Grade-11. Selection cum Waiting List :

2. Appointment Order :

3. Waiting List Appointent Order :
Recruitment for the post of Assistant Grade-21. Appointment Order :

2. Waiting List Appointment Order :
Recruitment for the post of General Manager (Planning) on Contractual Basis1. Advertisement :
Recruitment for the post of Junior Engineer1. Advertisement : Appointment Order:
Recruitment for the post of Assistant Grade-11. Appointment Order :
Recruitment for the post of Assistant Grade-21. Appointment Order :

2. Waiting List Appointment Order :
Recruitment for the post of Assistant Engineer1. Selection cum Waiting List :

2. Waiting list appointment Order:
Recruitment for the post of Manager1. Shortlisted Candidates for Interview :

2. Selection cum Waiting List :

3. Appointment Order :
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