Policy & Notifications-MP Pumped Hydro

Madhya Pradesh Pumped Hydro Policy – 2022

Objective- Establish Madhya Pradesh as a renewable energy hub and untap the State’s potential in pumped hydro projects.

Policy Period- The Policy shall be applicable for the period of 5 years from April 2023

Incentives for Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) projects developers 

  • Government Land shall be provided on concessional rate (rebate of 65% on circle rate) to developers bidding for power procurement by MPPMCL
  • 65% reimbursement on stamp duty on purchase of private land for the project shall be available to developers.
  • Projects shall be completely exempted from paying the Electricity Duty for period of 10 years.
  • Projects shall be completely exempted from Energy Development Cess for power supplied by renewable energy for a period of 10 years from the COD.
  • Projects shall be provided 50% waiver on wheeling charges for a period of 5 years shall be extended as approved by MPERC from time to time.
  • Projects shall be exempted from payment of 20% of registration cum facilitation fees.

View/Download Full Policy 

Madhya Pradesh Pumped Hydro Policy, 2022

Go to MP Urja Vikas Nigam Website

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