Incentive Wizard

1. Does your Plant & Machinery cost more than INR 50 Cr.?    
2. Is your commercial production commenced from 01 st April 2018?    
3. Has the unit have done any expenditure on ETP/STP/any other Waste Management on or after 1 st October 2014?    
4. Has the unit have done any Infrastructure Development on or after 1 st October 2014?    
5. Does the line of work of the unit involves Textile Manufacturing?    
6. Has the unit started their commercial production within the effective date of Policy?    
7. Type of Unit
8. Is the Unit is involved in development of the Industrial Park?    
9. Has the unit received sanction for Development of Industrial Park?    
10. Has the Industrial Park completed within 03 years from the date of sanction for Development of Industrial Park?    
11. Has the Industrial Park has been developed with an area of minimum 10 acres?    
12. Are the units (minimum 5) established in the Park and have initiated their commercial production?    
13. Is the unit is involved in Garment Manufacturing?    
14. Has the production of the unit is started from 01 st April 2018 to 31 st March 2022.    
15. Has the unit established in the Industrial Areas developed or notified by MP Industrial Development Corporation?    
16. Is the unit involved in Logistics/Warehousing?    
17. Has the unit commenced operation from the date of issue of the order in this reference to 31 March 2022?    
18. Is unit a Green field standalone ethanol manufacturing unit?    
19. Is the unit investing more than 10 crore on date of commercial production?    
20. Is the unit is/will be producing fuel grade ethanol and are supplying minimum 75% of ethanol to oil manufacturing companies (OMCs) under ethanol blending programme of Govt. of India?    
21. Will the unit achieve commercial date of production before 31 march, 2024?    
22. Does the unit purchases agriculture produce from the state of Madhya Pradesh?